Shared notes copy pasted
- Akshay
- Jishnu
- Rag Sagar
- Subin
- Jerin
- Hrishikesh
- Aboobacker
- sabu
- dhacommas
- Anivar
GSoC - good that we have ideas list
Indic keyboard
- Many language packs to be released as APK
- Try creating language packs for f-droid
- If they’re delayed or they reject, use our own server
Our own f-droid repo
- Convert jishnu’s download server to f-droid repo
Need fastlane build system
Varnam language dataset
- Google
- Ai4bharath
The reason why Varnam is required:
words like മ്വോനേ, മോനൂസേ isn’t supported by ML based apps like google’s or manglish
The reason why Varnam is outdated:
neural model based things are the future (says jerin)
Does it make sense to include varnam in Indic Keyboard?
- avoid sunk cost fallacy
- UX of incorporating “varnam”
To think of a different name for the feature “varnam”
Use that as a branding opportunity “Indic keyboard adds machine learning”
SEO / play store optimization required
Possibly rebrand after varnam integration is stabilized and tested
For now, slow down on varnam and get point releases going.
Emoji search:
- search result is a hack on suggestions
- possibly use third party libraries to provide search and directly use that for search
should separate xml files of emojis to android 9 specific and android 10 specific to avoid square boxes being shown to users with older android
Personal shortcut bug:
- dictionary works
Other enhancements
- Android 10/11 has password integration for keyboard. Suggestion box can integrate with password manager.
- Clipboard integration (OTP copy paste, etc)
- Play store signing has a new method
Jerin’s translation, language pitch
- C++ library being built by jerin
- Can build JNI layer over it
- lots of things that SMC can do
Jerin to expand the proposal into a larger mission for SMC
English-Malayalam dictionary data enhancement capability
T Ramalingam Pillai old dictionary out of copyright
How to use the dictionary data?
ML Morph part of speech
Think outside the box
Next meeting
- In 2 weeks
- Focus not on indic keyboard