പൊതുമൊഴി:A software for centralized localiztion

Trying to develop a software to centralize localization of application to Dravidian languages especially to Malayalam. The idea was to begin it as an application for Malayalam localization. But later I thought i will be really helpful and revolutionary if we group work. Because Malayalam is a Dravidian language and it’s roots are spread all along it’s sister languages we could introduce many new terms which are easier are shorter to use. The problem with current localization method we use is that the terms are really long and are derived from Sanskrit which all native may not find easier to understand. They’ll think English terms are easier to use and eventually leave Malayalam. The only possible way to make that not happen is the introduction of local terms which everyone may feel comfortable and easy to use. We can’t completely avoid sanskrit terms because without it malayalam is incomplete but we can use more terms with dravidian origin.
Pothumozhi as name suggest is a glossary for malayalam technical terms which we may use common to all application. I know that these words are not short enough, but more understandable.

This github repository describes everything about my new project.
Share your comments.


Thank you for sharing here.

Really cool project.:grin: :confetti_ball:
But isn’t a website more appropriate than a desktop program?

It would be great if there is a website. But a domain is not affordable for me. I think creating a website using GitHub will be great. There’ll be a website soon.

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@Newtron പൊതുമൊഴി OR പുതുമൊഴി ?

പൊതുമൊഴി if you see puthumozhi anywhere in my repository please submit a pull request editing that or report me.